Europe is facing decarbonisation at a time when the battle to achieve independence from fossil fuel energy sources is intensifying. In this respect, the "Future of Biofuels 2022" conference offered an ideal environment to discuss the key components that will underpin the transition to green energy. For this purpose, it...
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During the production of the biodiesel targeted within this project, the transesterification reaction of animal fats in supercritical conditions has improved its efficiency by using basic catalysts shaped by laser sintering (SLS), which has allowed the preparation of monoliths of high porosity and high versatility in terms of shape and...
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The pilot plant of the LIFE Superbiodiesel project, after separating the fat fraction to obtain biodiesel, applies an enzymatic process to obtain biostimulants or organic fertilizers from the protein fraction obtained as a by-product of the previous process. The use of these biostimulants simplifies the nitrogen cycle of plants by...
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Climate change may be one of the biggest challenges the chemical industry faces today. QUO magazine states in its special on Chemistry (ES) that this project can become an opportunity. Decarbonization of the global economy involves multiple actors. An area of great interest that can be influenced is the energy...
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Any living organism synthesizes amino acid sequences to form proteins. Plants behave in the same way, by directly using the amino acids to get nurtured, thus avoiding having to synthetize them and saving this energy to perform different metabolic processes that boost their production. The enzymatic process used within the...
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Life Superbiodiesel project was one of the leading actors in the event “Generación de Recursos Energéticos y Movilidad sostenible” (Sustainable Mobility and Energy Resources Generation) organised by ETSIME in the framework of the ”Jornadas de Otoño” (Autumn Workshops), hosted by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as a networking and meeting point...
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The 3rd General Assembly of the Life Superbiodiesel project was held in June 2021. At this meeting, the progress in the project execution for the obtaining of alternative and sustainable biofuels from animal waste was determined. On the one hand, it is worth highlighting the fine-tuning of the enzymatic process...
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In non-COVID times, the most usual situation is that the monitor of a Life project visits the facilities of the project coordinator. During this pandemic situation, nevertheless, the visit requires becoming virtual. Therefore, after almost 9 months of the Life Superbiodiesel project execution, the virtual visit of the NEEMO´s external...
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During the preparatory actions of the project, a selection of three types of raw materials resulting from tanning processes were selected. This selection has been made based on their origin, considering only the waste from cowhide leather, and at the same time based on the sulphur content, because if biodiesel...
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The consortium has achieved a clearer design of the pilot plant at industrial scale target within the Life Superbiodiesel project. The visit to UMU’s facilities and the pilot plant at lab-scale has allowed solving some previous doubts on the production line and technical features of the plant to build. Therefore,...
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