Enjoy a high-performance fully- available advanced biofuel produced from waste using renewable resources and applying a novel, improved, sustainable process at a competitive cost. It does not require any engine modification. Using this biofuel will contribute to decrease the dependence on fossil fuels.
The overall aim of this project is to apply an improved, sustainable and ecological process to obtain an eco-efficient biodiesel in accordance with current directives and regulations, from animal waste as raw material, thus applying the principles of circular economy.
Empower your customers with a cost-effective ready-to-use advanced biofuel that fits their needs. You do not need to make additional investments nor technical modifications for a premium product to be used by all types of fleets.
Expand your range of products with a brand new and fully available advanced biofuel compatible with the current supply chain, with no additional environmental risks. This biofuel is sustainable produced, surpassing current regulatory framework while meeting the demand expectations.
Produce advanced top-quality alternative biofuel enough from a renewable source, by using an optimised chemical process at an affordable investment with minimal additional operating costs, thus reaching a balanced cost structure while contributing to the European RED II targets.
Join the biodiesel and/or biostimulants breakthrough production from animal waste by using innovative catalysts in supercritical processes. The obtained biodiesel not only complies with the applicable standards, but even exceeds them, which can entail future innovative related policies. Pass on to your associates the bombshell of these brand-new sustainable methodologies enabling biodiesel and/or biostimulants production from animal by-products not intended for human consumption, to make happen both circular economy and the steadily increasing decarbonization of transport sector.
A present-day biodiesel able to go the extra mile and surpass standards, thus contributing to support the fuel policies in the long term.
Collecting feedback to reclassify biofuel -and biostimulants- achieved from animal waste in such a way that can build your standards and help your standardisation committee drawing up the strategic business plan ahead.
“Advanced biofuels” not competing for food and feed production, not produced on existing agricultural land, replacing liquid fossil fuels and thus helping to reduce carbon emissions from the transport sector. They can contribute to set the legislative and environmental frameworks and support the regulative and certification ones.
Implement a biodiesel with low-investment requirements produced through a fully mature technology with raw material coming from a renewable resource that overcome regulatory sustainable criteria, thus meeting the European requirements set by the European Commission for global transition to a energetically independent low-carbon transport sector.
Publish information on this topic that arouses great interest, jointly pitching the idea based on research and innovation results. The consortium gets adapted to the media editorial guidelines and provides the possibility of interviews or questionnaires.
Boost your project’s research results by sharing best practices. Establish your project strategies by setting relevant knowledge useful for your project, saving time, avoiding to walk into the same wall as others and cutting down the way to problem-solving. Detect knowledge gaps and ensure better and faster decision making, eventually improving your project’s performance and productivity.
Generate a new trendy large business model from food supply chain waste. You can reduce your costs related to waste management while gaining competitiveness. Contribute to the circular economy and the sustainability of the current economic model.
Implement sustainable low carbon fuels in your engines, thus influencing the biofuels uptaking. This biofuel is not made from crops, but from current waste streams, therefore not compromising food prices. Have a pivotal role in decarbonising the road transport emissions in terms of achieving net zero ones. Biofuels have been set as key factor to reach the EU renewable energy targets and consumers are pulling for it.
Switch to biofuels in an informed way with one coming from waste that does not compromise food prices or the land use, that does not require engine modification or safety compromise and to cap it all is available at an even cost.
Differentiate your organisation by bringing in your fuel a type of biodiesel that does not compromise land use or food prices as it comes from the tannery waste, while supporting the implementation of fuel directives and European objectives for global transition to an energetically independent low-carbon transport sector.