Aug 30

Virtual Visit to the Life Superbiodiesel Pilot Plant

To conclude the event, a virtual tour of the pilot plant presented by Gabriel Molina from Organovac takes place, where the obtainment process of biostimulants and supercritical biodiesel from animal fat waste is shown. In the conclusion and closure, Dr. Joaquín Vilaplana emphasises the effort and dedication put into the implementation of the Life Superbiodiesel project, which has gone through some difficulties. Putting a pilot plant into operation has been achieved, and it has highlighted the interest and potential of this project. In the coming months, work will continue to be done to optimise the plant conditions and obtain biodiesel in a semi-industrial process, to demonstrate its feasibility. It is expected that the energy future will be made up of a mix of technologies, including biofuels. All those involved are congratulated for their implication in the project and the seminar is closed.

Both, the video and the closure of the event, can be seen, in Spanish, in the following link: